आइएलओको कार्यक्रममा सम्माननीय प्रधानमन्त्रीको सम्बोधन

Address by The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ at the Celebration of 50 Years of International Labour Organization (ILO)’s Partnership in Nepal

14th December 2016


His Excellency Mr. Guy Ryder, Director-General of the International Labour Organization,

Hon’ble Minister for Labour and Employment, Mr. Surya Man Gurung,

Director of ILO Country office in Nepal Mr. Richard Howard,

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


I am pleased to be here with you all to celebrate the 50th year of partnership between Nepal and the International Labour Organization (ILO) for the promotion of decent work, skill development and social dialogue.

The unique tripartite structure of ILO comprising representatives from the government, employers, and employees makes me feel proud that we are jointly embracing the notion of decent work for all.

Your enthusiastic participation in celebrating Nepal-ILO relations demonstrates that Nepal is fully committed to enhance ILO’s Decent Work Agenda.

I take this opportunity to appreciate the ILO for the continued cooperation and partnership in Nepal for the last 50 years.

I am happy that this special occasion marks with the presence of Director General Mr. Ryder with us here in Kathmandu. I extend him a warm welcome to Nepal and hope that his visit will provide a good opportunity to further enhance our cooperation.

Let me also congratulate you, Mr. Director General, on your re-election for a second five-year term. I am confident that ILO would continue to make strides under your able leadership by effectively crafting and implementing international labour standards, promoting migration as a win-win situation for all, and creating equitable opportunities by making globalization just and fair.

After two years, in 2019, ILO will celebrate its 100th anniversary. The seven-point centenary initiatives proposed by Director General Mr. Ryder, including the future of work and the end to poverty initiatives are critical to promote a harmonious, just and inclusive society.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Last year, the world community devised a global vision in the form of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development incorporating decent work as a key component of our common enterprise.

True realization of the 2030 Agenda rests upon the achievement of sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all as set under the 8th Goal.

Skill development is critical to obtaining productive employment opportunities, accelerating economic growth and ensuring distributive justice as we pursue the development agenda of ‘no-one is left behind’.

Safeguarding the values of work is our common responsibility. I am happy to note that Nepal has so far ratified seven of the eight core ILO Conventions on international labour standards and labour rights. We are fully committed to internalize the principles enshrined in those instruments.

In recent years, Nepal has made further strides in promoting decent work, developing harmonious labor relations and ensuring social justice.

The Constitution of Nepal promulgated last year has ensured the right to employment and right to choose employment. Agenda of inclusive development has been promoted with full commitment to civil liberties, values and norms of fundamental human rights, gender equality, right to form trade unions and engage in collective bargaining.

Our national development plans, labour laws, social protection rules and regulations, and national employment policy are directed towards promoting decent jobs, strengthening orderly, skilled and safe foreign employment, and creating productive and new employment opportunities at home.

As about five-hundred-thousand Nepali workforce enter the labour market every year, creating employment opportunities for them requires not only skill-oriented training programs, but also quality education, massive investment in infrastructure, industrial and agricultural development.

The present Government has been giving priority to promotion of tourism, small and medium enterprises, transformation of agriculture, environment protection as well as infrastructure development as these sectors can not only create decent jobs but also sustain rural economies and accelerate local development efforts.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Present Government of Nepal recognizes the role of labour force as a key factor of production and critical human element that has capacity to drive social and economic agenda of the country. Labour force has always played a key role in Nepal’s political and social transformation and economic development process. Building a progressive and prosperous Nepal needs even greater contribution and dedication.

Dialogue, accommodation and unity is vital to realize broad-based and all-encompassing development in a country of diversity like Nepal. I call upon your continued support and cooperation.

It is a matter of satisfaction that all the actors in the world of work – the government, employers, and workers – are working together to find solutions through constructive social dialogue process in Nepal. Recognition of all three actors’ vital role in the production process and industrial harmony has remained hallmark of Nepalese industrial relations.

I congratulate all the constituents for their commitment and support in realizing the Decent Work Agenda. In that regard, Nepal appreciates the role of the ILO and its partnership in Nepal.

To conclude, ladies and gentlemen, I call upon you all to work hand in hand to uphold the values of social justice, inclusive and sustainable development, and prosperity for all with total faith in the potentials of every human person. Because attainment of a dignified life for every individual is our common objective and common obligation.

I thank you all.

कात्तिक ६, २०८१ बुधबार ३:१७:३८