I stand here for climate justice for my innocent people: Prime Minister

I am deeply concerned about the findings of the recent IPCC report, that states climate-induced disasters breaking records in the Himalayas. We have already lost one-third of our glaciers, and scientists have warned that we are going to lose another one-third by the end of this century. This is a wake-up call to all of us. The Himalayas are foundations of human civilizations, ecosystems, and biodiversity.

National Statement by the Rt. Honourable Prime Minister and Leader of Nepali Delegation Right Honourable Mr Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ at the 28th Conference of Parties on Climate Change (COP28)
Dubai, UAE 02 December 2023

Madam President,
Distinguished Delegates,

At the outset, I congratulate the Presidency of the COP 28 for hosting this Conference and thank the government of the UAE for extending a warm hospitality to my delegation.

Mr. President,

I bring the message of 30 million Nepalis to this Conference.

Our message is clear: mountains are tortured by rising temperature.

Save them first!

I am deeply concerned about the findings of the recent IPCC report, that states climate-induced disasters breaking records in the Himalayas. We have already lost one-third of our glaciers, and scientists have warned that we are going to lose another one-third by the end of this century. This is a wake-up call to all of us. The Himalayas are foundations of human civilizations, ecosystems, and biodiversity.

They are providing global services to the people and the planet and are the source of livelihoods for billions of people downstream.

Mr. President,

Nepal is bearing a direct, disproportionate, and damaging effect of climate change despite near zero contribution to global emissions.

Due to an appalling injustice inflicted on us, our people are severely affected by climate-induced disasters such as landslides, floods, wildfires, glacier lake outbursts, drought, etc.

This is an utter injustice. This must stop now.

In his opening remarks yesterday, the UN Secretary-General said, and I quote, “Just days ago, I was on the melting ice of Antarctica. Not long ago, I was among the melting glaciers of Nepal. These two spots are far in distance, but united in crisis “unquote. Similarly, in his recent visit to Nepal, he said further, and I quote, ‘stop war against the nature’, unquote. This was his reaction after having witnessed the disastrous impacts of climate change in the mountains.

Indeed, it is a war against nature as well as humanity. We are waging war with ourselves and the future generations only to satisfy our short-sighted and self-serving interests. So, I stand here for climate justice for my innocent people who are sheer victims of this catastrophe.

Mr. President,

Recently, I unveiled the National Adaptation Plan and NDC implementation guidelines with clear roadmap and strategies. Nepal is fully committed to the Paris Agreement. We are committed to achieving of net zero greenhouse gas emission by 2045, five year earlier than the global target. We will fully utilize our hydropower potentials to secure clean energy and maintain 45 percent forest covered land.

However, our attempts to implement climate change adaptation and mitigation plans are facing serious financial and technological gaps.

Mr. President,
LDCs are more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and are in desperate need of financial and technological support.

As the chair of LDCs, I urge the developed economies and international community for more predictable adequate, and equitable resources and technologies for LDCs.

Countries like Nepal are left behind to live on their own fate. Therefore, I want to reiterate the following points:
• Developed countries’ pledges and actions do not correspond with each other. They must raise their ambitions and fulfil their commitments urgently.
• They must scale up climate finance to make up for the US $100 billion shortfall and double the adaptation finance by 2025, and ensure fair financial arrangements without conditions, constraints, and compliances.
• We demand grants as our justice to address this crisis.
• The loss and damage Fund must be predictable, simplified, and adequate for LDCs and mountainous countries.
• The GST report must give a clear roadmap to all, and we must act in solidarity with urgency.
• Finally, I strongly recommend the necessity of initiating a dialogue on mountain and climate change.

I wish a grand success of this Conference.

Thank You!

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