We are trying our best to create the conducive atmosphere for rapid economic growth: Chairman Prachanda

Now in the process of the implementation of the new constitution, Nepalese people have created political stability through a peaceful democratic election of local, provincial and federal level. After historical achievement of political stability all the political parties and the government have focused their attention on economic construction under the slogan of ‘prosperous Nepal and happy Nepali.’ We are trying our best to create the conducive atmosphere for rapid economic growth.

Honorable Ministers, distinguished guests from Nepal and abroad

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning to everybody

It is a matter of great satisfaction and honor for me to be a part of International Conference on Sustainable Animal Agriculture for development (SAADC-2019) countries.

It gives me immense pleasure to witness this gathering of scientists, researchers, academicians and students. I give you my best wishes and profound support for SAADC-2019, not only as the former prime minister of Nepal but also as a student of agri. Science. Welcoming both Nepalese and foreign guests and participants to the most beautiful city, Pokhara.

As all of you may well aware with the fact that Nepalese people have struggled for more than seven decades against feudal autocratic political structure and feudal mode of production. This historic initiative of the people, particularly peasant masses, brought a tremendous political changes in this country. Establishment of federal democratic republic and promulgation of constitution according to that line, through a Peace Process and democratically elected constituent assembly are the far-reaching historic outcome of people’s struggle.

Now in the process of the implementation of the new constitution, Nepalese people have created political stability through a peaceful democratic election of local, provincial and federal level. After historical achievement of political stability all the political parties and the government have focused their attention on economic construction under the slogan of ‘prosperous Nepal and happy Nepali.’ We are trying our best to create the conducive atmosphere for rapid economic growth.

As a with country agro-based economy, sustainable agricultural practice is of prime importance to the Nepalese farmers. This sector not only contributes to the national economy but also to a bigger share of the Nepalese livelihood. In this contest, the theme of the conference, ‘Eco-friendly animal production for profitable smallholder farming,’ is extremely relevant to Nepalese farmers and the recommendations from this conference would hopefully provide solutions to many of the obstacles faced by smallholder farmers in Nepal and other development countries.

Larger part of Nepalese farming system involves smallholder farmers whose major challenge is optimizing production and making farming more profitable. I believe that the innovations shared in this forum would help empower the farming communities for sustainable, eco-friendly and profitable farming.

With increasing commercialization and competitiveness in world agriculture market, all developing countries need to take a step forward towards sustainability in agriculture ensuring higher production, employment generation, and better livelihood, without compromising the needs of future generation. In this context, SAADC has provided a huge platform for researchers round the globe in delivering their ideas to sustainable animal agriculture.

The conference would be a great opportunity for the scientists, researchers, students as well as farmers to be well informed about innovations in the field of sustainable agriculture. And, from the other perspective, it would be a big boost to Nepalese tourism sector. For both the causes, I wish great success. I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the organizers and co-organizers for their endless effort in bringing the conference to life. I hope every participant and attendee would benefit equally from the program.

I would again like to welcome you all to the city of majestic mountains and pristine lakes and wish the program a grand success !

Wish you a pleasant and fruitful stay in Pokhara. Thank you for a kind attention.

(Speech of Chairman Prachanda on 7th International Conference on Sustainable Animal Agriculture For Developing Countries at Pokhara ) November 8-11, 2019

कात्तिक ८, २०८१ शुक्रबार ४:१०:२०